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There are too many great riding spots in the PNW, to see them all click the link below. Some of our favorite local spots are listed below, have fun and ride safe! 

Places to Ride in the PNW

Make sure your vehicle has current ORV tabs for wherever you are riding.

Juniper Dunes OHV Area

Location: Juniper Dunes RD Pasco, WA 99301

Camping Style: Dry 

Riding Type: Dunes and easy sand trails

Vehicles: Off-road motorcycles, ATV's, UTV's, and 4x4's

Rules: WA ORV tabs, Flag, and Spark arrestor required

Juniper Dunes BLM Website

Moses Lake Sand Dunes/ORV Park

Location: Sand Dunes RD Moses Lake, WA

Camping Style: Dry with bathrooms available

Riding Style: Sand Dunes and easy sand trails, Mud flats in fall

Vehicles: Off-road motorcycles, ATV's, UTV,s and 4x4's

Rules: WA ORV tabs, Flag, and Spark arrestor required

Grant County Parks Website

Beverly Sand Dunes

Location: Lower Crab Creek Rd Beverly, WA

Camping Style: Dry

Riding Type: Sand dunes and easy sand trails

Vehicles: Off-road motorcycles, ATV's, UTV's, and 4x4's

Rules: WA ORV tabs, Discovery Pass, Flag, Spark arrestor required

Saddle Mountains ORV

Location: Road R SW Mattawa, WA

Camping style: Dry

Riding Type: Easy to Hard Enduro, Easy loose and compact trails

Vehicles: Off-road Motorcycles, ATV's, UTV's, 4x4's

Rules: WA ORV tabs and spark arrestor required

Saddle Mountains BLM Website

Morrow County OHV Park

Location: Near Heppner, OR, see links for specific trail heads

Camping style: Some dry, some wet, staffed by county personnel

Riding type: Easy wooded trails

Vehicles: Off-Road Motorcycles and ATV's 

Rules: OR ORV tabs and spark arrestor required

Morrow County Parks Website

Ukiah (Winom-Frazier)

Location: Near Ukiah, OR see link for trailhead locations

Camping style: Dry

Riding type: easy to hard forest trails

Vehicles: Off-Road Motorcycles and ATV's 

Rules: OR ORV Tabs, and Spark arrestor required

Winom-Fraizer USFS Website

Breshears/ Mt Fanny OHV

Location: Near La Grande, OR, See link for trail head locations

Camping: Not available

Riding Type: Easy to medium trials and some enduro

Vehicles: Off-road motorcycle and ATV's

Rules: OR ORV tabs and spark arrestor required

Breshears USFS Website

North Fork Walla Walla

Location: Near Walla Walla, WA See link for trail head directions

Camping: not permitted

Riding type: East to hard trails with enduro sections

Vehicles: Off-road motorcycles only

Rules: WA ORV Tab and Spark Arrestor required

North Fork Walla Walla USFS Website

Naches OHV

Location: Near Naches, WA, See link for specific trial head locations

Camping: Some dry, some wet for a fee, See link

Riding Type, Easy to medium trails with some enduro

Vehicles: Off-Road motorcycles, ATV's, UTV's, and 4x4's

Rules: WA ORV Tabs and Spark Arrestor required

Naches OHV USFS Webstie

Horns Rapids MX

Location: 3432 Beardsley Dr Richland, WA 99354

Camping: Dry and wet available $40 a night

Riding Type: Multiple Motocross tracks and easy sand trails

Vehicles: Off-Road Motorcycles (ATV/UTV Track)

Rules: Pay practice fee and entry fee for spectators

Horn Rapids MX Website

Dirt Bike Nation

Location: 350 WA 281 N Quincy, WA 98848

Camping: Dry camping for a fee

Riding Type: Motocross track and corner track

Vehicles: Off-road motorcycles only

Rules: Complete Membership form, donation ran so please donate

Dirt Bike Nation Website

The Bike Pit

Location: 800 RA Kock Rd Pilot Rock, OR 97868

Camping: Dry

Riding Type: Motocross track

Vehicles: Off-road motorcycles

Rules: Donation ran so please donate

The Bike Pit Website

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